
kiskeácity daily is out ! Commented edition for Thursday, Nov. 24, 2011



Forum held by Prime Minister on future of Port-au-Prince. (HPN)

From the Blogs

Love Haiti deplores Martelly's lack of diplomacy in his efforts to recreate the army, emphasizing signs of US disapproval while Réseau Citadelle highlights that when Aristide demobilized FADH in the 90s he vowed to create an alternate defense force. 

Jean-Came Poulard advocates for citizen responsibility on Dièz ak Bémol.

The Bibliothèques sans Frontières blog provides an update on digital librarian training at BNUEH.

Vague du Futur (a Fokal project) has updates on youth leadership training in Côte-Plage and the club's participation in the upcoming Quatre Chemins theatre festival in P-au-P.


Metro News for Tuesday headlines justice minister Josué Pierre-Louis's resignation, Toussaint Louverture airport anti-seismic renovation, the prime minister's Port-au-Prince reconstruction forum and Henfrasa in Delmas' need for evacuation.

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