Excerpt from January 18, 2007 Can't Stop Won't Stop email Newsletter by Jeff Chang:
Emphasis here on the phrase "the hip hop blog you don't have to hate." When a foremost hip hop blogger and theorist has to sell himself that way, haship hop lost its hipness?
Meanwhile Cora Daniels just published Ghetto Nation: A Journey Into the Land of Bling and the Heart of the Shameless. Excerpt from her website:
Are we finally fed up?
Top: "I Had a Dream" (my title) by Mr. Case
Bottom: Cora Daniels, courtesy www.coradaniels.com
Technorati: hip hop, jeff chang, cantstopwontstop, cora daniels, ghetto nation
Over the last four years, the Can't Stop Won't Stop blog has become one of the best loved rest-spots on the hip-hop information superhighway. No BS, no faux outrage, no bland recountings of uneventful weekends.
Emphasis here on the phrase "the hip hop blog you don't have to hate." When a foremost hip hop blogger and theorist has to sell himself that way, has

With Ghettonation, acclaimed journalist and author, Cora Daniels, takes on one of the most explosive issues in our country today in this thoughtful critique of America's embrace of a ghetto persona that is demeaning to women, devalues education, celebrates the worst African American stereotypes, and contributes to the destruction of civil peace.

Her investigation exposes the central role of corporate America in exploiting the idea of ghettoness as a hip cultural idiom, despite its disturbing ramifications, as a means of making money. She showcases Black rappers raised in privileged families who have taken on the ghetto persona and sold millions of albums.
Are we finally fed up?
Top: "I Had a Dream" (my title) by Mr. Case
Bottom: Cora Daniels, courtesy www.coradaniels.com
Technorati: hip hop, jeff chang, cantstopwontstop, cora daniels, ghetto nation
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