I'm in Miami where I'll be attending and blogging WeMedia Miami, along with a couple of other Global Voices folks. The fun and games will take place at the University of Miami and will start there tonight at an opening reception. Technically, We Media Miami "explores and fosters the use of digital media to build and improve real communities in a connected society" but I'm not sure what to expect especially since the program is so esoteric.
I hear there won't be a lot of bloggers and I think the bulk of conversation will center around traditional media trying to update their approach a bit. We'll see. For now I'd rather be in breezy sunny here than in that frozen 11 degree apple that is New York these days...
Not to mention I get to pow-wow with my adorable 6 year old nephew while catching up with his parents about Miami/Florida politics and how the various constituencies in that other Caribbean epicenter are faring. (Yes Brooklyn is the reason I say "that other".)
You can check out the We Media Miami blog if you'd like. It might make the whole thing a bit more concrete for you ... or not.

Technorati: wemedia miami
I hear there won't be a lot of bloggers and I think the bulk of conversation will center around traditional media trying to update their approach a bit. We'll see. For now I'd rather be in breezy sunny here than in that frozen 11 degree apple that is New York these days...
Not to mention I get to pow-wow with my adorable 6 year old nephew while catching up with his parents about Miami/Florida politics and how the various constituencies in that other Caribbean epicenter are faring. (Yes Brooklyn is the reason I say "that other".)
You can check out the We Media Miami blog if you'd like. It might make the whole thing a bit more concrete for you ... or not.

Technorati: wemedia miami
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