Sorry I've been quiet for a week. I was preparing for the journey that brought me here to Delhi, India. I arrived yesterday and am still settling in.
This morning I sent relatives an email reflecting on the ways in which Delhi ressembles Port-au-Prince and the ways in which it is different. Like Port-au-Prince, Delhi is still the capital to a mostly rural country. That is I think what makes parts of Delhi so reminiscent of parts of Port-au-Prince. The posh parts especially are remarkably similar: huge houses, tree-lined streets and gardens, often interspersed with much more modest residences. At least that is what I am seeing in GK, South Delhi. I will be doing my best to update you on my thoughts while here.
delhi - port-au-prince - india - haiti - caribbean - gvdelhi2006
Nice! First arrival in Delhi for GV 2006 :)
A warm welcome to you, Alice! :)
(if you're going to blog about the GV Summit, could you please tag your posts as: GVDelhi2006
hi ange,
will do. :-)
Welcome to India, Alice.
Thanks Peter.
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