When Bloggers and Chocolate come together... Nyashazaza from the Global Parish has been friends with fellow haitian blogger Nighshift Chronicles for quite a while. I only met him in person recently and a six degrees can of worms ensued. When I went to Nyashazaza's Wine & Chocolate soiree last Saturday, I met yet another brooklyn blogger, Richard Louissaint the Haitian Eclectic, whose blog I added to my Haitian Diaspora blogroll a couple of months ago.

Haitian Eclectic & Nyashazaza
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i don't know why that is.. but i'm having a hell of time trying to pronounce you blog title.
sorry about that. i'll post an audio file when i'm ready. in the mean time, take a deep breath and pronounce each syllable. or just do "kiskeya" first and then "city". :-)
Wow, Alice, how come i'm not invited to those events? I would like to meet other Haitian bloggers and poets.
Wow! Well, it took me awhile to get into the swing of this blogging thing but I'm happy to know my people are doing this too. Wonderful blog! I'll keep checking you out. In case you want to know how far and how strange we can go, come see my blog! It's pretty lonely where I am.
Sorry Ms. Delaleu. The gathering was reslly not one of bloggers. As I eplained, it was my friend Nyasha's party and she happens to personally know bloggers that I had been reading online. But, yes for all this talk about 6 degrees, that brooklyn blogger gathering is way overdue. :-)
Hey Ms. "Something New",
Glad to meet you. I am adding you to my blogroll ASAP. Looking fwd to chatting with you some more. Did you see the movie BTW?
Talk about six degrees! Richard and I have common friends and I have met him a few years ago in NYC.
and the plot thickens...
who are i can't figure it out from your blog
: )
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