
Welcome New Members and Other Community News

Welcome to all the new kiskeácity members who have recently signed up either through the feedblitz email newsletter, mybloglog or just through the various blog readers. It is great to know you're reading. I would love any and all feedback you may have, good or bad, so please make sure to speak your minds whether on email (kiskeyacity [dot]19997669 [at] bloglines [dot] com) or just by commenting on the site.

Congratulations to Harinjaka, a kiskeácity reader and fellow blogger from Madagascar who lives in France. In case you are not reading GV (shame on you!) Harinjaka just won the people's choice vote for best poem in the Global Voices Valentine's Day Poetry contest. The poem was in French too! Here it is for your pleasure:

l’Amour “MoraMora”

le soleil m’a prédit
que je croiserai ta route
mais que si tu n’es pas encore là
il ne faut pas que je m’inquiète
car tu entreras dans ma vie
façon doucement doucement

le vent m’a murmuré
que tu seras raffiné(e)
mais que… si tu n’es pas encore là
il ne faudrait pas que je m’inquiète
car tu entreras dans ma vie
façon doucement doucement

les oiseaux m’ont raconté
que tu seras réservé(e), très très soigné(e),
et surtout cultivé(e)
mais que … si tu n’es pas encore là
il ne faudrait pas que je m’inquiète
car tu entreras dans ma vie
façon doucement doucement

puisque tout est écrit
et puisqu’ils m’ont dèja tous dit
j’ai vraiment envie de croire
et même hâte de te voir
ne prend pas trop ton temps
façon doucement doucement

Click here for the full english translation, including an explanation of what Mora Mora means in Malagasy language and life. (View Harinjaka's blog.)

Also, I recently got the wonderful opportunity while in Miami for the WeMedia conference to meet another Mybloglog kiskeácity member and fellow blogger, Marvin Chéry. Marvin came with Karl of Karlito's blog, another member, and took some pictures of our dinner at Shoji Sushi on South beach, including the two yummy ones on this post. (View Marvin's tech-oriented blog and Karl's Haitan Music Industry blog.) Karl is pictured to the very right of the thumbnail.

Congrats also to Nightshift Chronicler and Geoffrey Philps for their lovely submissions to the GV poetry contest. (Geoffrey was the runner up for the people's choice, btw.) Scroll down here and look up their names to read their oeuvres.

Meanwhile, Jenn Carr, another blogger-reader just launched the Griot tour for Storycorps. See her blog WonNsaDaMaa to find out all about the launch and Storycorps Griot.

Special mention also for Lova (those damn Malagasies!) who just started a stint as Global Voices author. Lova will be writing a weekly post on what is taking place in Malagasy, English and French-speaking blogs of Madagascar for GV. He's already cranked out two: one on the recent Malagasy floods and one on French deportations of Immigrants there. Kudos, Lova! (View Lova's blog Rakoto's Rants.)

To Cathy Delaleu: I am reading your poetry and won't forger to invite you to the next (informal) Brooklyn Caribbean blogger gathering. To William Zick: Hope you are reading all of the Chevalier de St-Georges news possible on Jean-Claude Halley's Guadeloupe Attitude blog. (Dust off your French texts!) To Michael Deibert, thanks for the great Haiti reporting and personal comments. To Shel Israel, the kind words you wrote here and on Global Neighborhoods were much appreciated.

Ochan to my readers from Haiti, including my mom and bloggers Roody Edmé and Marcel Salnave. I love getting emails from you!

And to all my other readers who don't blog or whose names I don't know, please check in, email, sign up or send news so I can keep up with you! And of course, if it tickles your fancy, please feel free to comment, comment, comment. We speak, sing, snore and argue in at least three languages here...

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Unknown said...

"those damn Malagasies! " :D

Thanks for the plug, Alice !
OT: That eatery on S. Beach looks yummee :). I will add it to my to-do list when I go visit my former roommate.

Alice B. said...

Yes Lova, you really should It was yummy. I had a miso-marinated sea bass to die for!

Peace Culture said...

Alice I am so enjoying reading your blog. Your writing is fresh and flavorful--like a glass of pinot grigio.

On another note, I'm curious-- is the author of L'Amour "MoraMora" une femme or un homme? (like my French? ha ha-- I mean heh, heh)

Alice B. said...

Hey s.omell,
Glad to hear from you here. Harinjaka is un homme. He visits this site daily and chances are his picture is the recent readers box to the right, right this minute. :-)

Thanks so much for the kind words on my writing, it means a whole lot to me. :-)

Unknown said...

hi All,

Bonsoir Alice,
euuuuuhh... You are flattering me, now I've lost my words :p kiske je vais dire maintenant ?:D

Alice, I want to say thank you for the kind words. It's really an honor to be part of your community, and I'm really proud to be cosidered as part of it, because I'm one of your fans ;)

Si j'ai gagné le "poeple's choice" lors de ce concours, je pense que c'est beaucoup grâce à ta traduction, et personnellement j'avoue je suis tombé sous le charme de la version anglaise ;).

Le fait d'avoir "gagné" ce concours est très symbolique pour moi car elle renforce l'image que j'ai de GVO: "pouvoir être entendu" par d'autre personnes ayant différentes cultures que le mien. Sans transition, j'aimerai donc partager cette "victoire" avec toi :)

Thanks you for this entrie, thank your for everything,Thank you so much

=^..^= Ou konin Ou simpatik =^..^=

Unknown said...
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Michael Deibert said...

Why thank you very much for the shout out, Alice. I will raise a glass of Rioja to you!
Desde Madrid,
Michael Deibert