

Kiskeacity mentioned in 9/13 Journal of African American Studies

"The blogosphere offers yet another example of transnational Black Nationalist expression. Usually created by highly educated individuals residing in the USA or Europe, a number of African and Caribbean blogs have surfaced on the Internet. As illustrated by Christophe Celius' Rapadoo Observateur and Alice Backer's kiskeácity, these blogs function as “virtual embassies” of the nation, providing critical information on politics, society, and culture. They also serve as a rallying force for the Diaspora, informing them about local events such as concerts, film festivals, or community functions celebrating an event or holiday from their native land. Last but not least, they promote economic development by informing the Diaspora and any virtual visitors about possibilities in their respective homeland. In many ways, this form of transnational Black Nationalism is a reaction to the social and political forces that led to the uprooting or “diasporization” of Caribbean and African people in the USA. Indeed, if unstable sociopolitical conditions and dire economic circumstances often forced Caribbean and African people to reside in the USA and other Western countries, these very conditions do not preclude them from participating in their homeland's political and socioeconomic affairs. In fact, one may argue that it stim- ulates interaction with the homeland, making the virtual world a much necessary medium to participate in the affairs and development of the sending society. Thus, the virtual world operates as an extension of the nation, offering the Caribbean and continental African Diaspora in the USA the much-desired opportunity to participate in the nation-building process."

A “New” Black Nationalism in the USA and France by Dr. Felix Germain JOURNAL OF AFRICAN AMERICAN STUDIES, Volume 17, Number 3, September 2013

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