

Haiti Soleil

At fellow blogger Ferentz Lafargue's invitation, I just joined the Facebook group for a (new?) NGO named Haiti Soleil. I thought I'd share the group's mission with you :

Haiti Soleil is a nonprofit corporation based in Berkeley, California. Haiti Soleil is founded on the belief that to bring about social change in Haiti, the country needs to empower young people by giving them access to safe nurturing spaces, and providing them with opportunities for intellectual exchange and creative expression.

We believe the potential of a society is fulfilled only when all its citizens have access to information. Haiti Soleil seeks to cultivate the intellectual growth of Haiti’s children so they will become self-sufficient, and responsible advocates for a just society.

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  1. Hi there, just passing by and enjoying the fine articles posted in Kiskeàcity (wrong accent i know)
    this project seems very promising not only because they identified the real causes of all things going wrong and are very ready to heal from the inside. Youth in our countries need spaces....healthy spaces...

    Great blogging!

  2. Hi there, just passing by and enjoying the fine articles posted in Kiskeàcity (wrong accent i know)
    this project seems very promising not only because they identified the real causes of all things going wrong and are very ready to heal from the inside. Youth in our countries need spaces....healthy spaces...

    Great blogging!
