

Learn to edit Wikipedia: Afrocrowd's new Training Videos are here

Check out Afrocrowd's new training video on our YouTube page. It's also broken down in smaller modules, including an intro to Afrocrowd and to what Wikipedia is.

We put the basics of wikipedia editing in there (including adding images and citations) but we are most excited about all the stuff that makes Afrocrowd Afrocrowd: making full use of the availability of the languages of the African diaspora, including Haitian Creole, and embarking on the movement's journey to meet its goal of knowledge equity by 2030, which means integration of oral knowledge into the largest online encyclopedia.

Enjoy the videos but also make sure to join Afrocrowd in-person meetups wherever you are, whether in New York, London, Paris or Spain. (Let me know if you want to me added to our monthly newsletter to receive dates and/or check out our website, Twitter and Facebook often.)

As to the future of the podcast, stay tuned, as I continue to ponder its continuation.

Love you all!

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