

Picture this!

Interesting things have been happening to my flickr pictures lately.

obama@hammerstein 039

This picture of Barack Obama that I took at a fundraiser in June of '07 was picked up by Global Voices (no surprise there) and featured in a story on Caribbean bloggers's thoughts on the candidate. And it was picked up again by, a blog affiliated to Pacifica Radio, in this story on Obama and Texas.

South Beach, FL

This one may appear in the next edition of the Schmap Miami guide. It was taken in South Beach.

VaginaMonologuesCreole 011

And I just gave consent for this one to be part of a V-Day Hiroshima photo pool. The picture could have gone into a contest that took place at V-Day Hiroshima in Japan on March 15, but I just read their request for it and so for now it will just be part of their Flickr photo pool.

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Baracking Wisconsin and Ohio

I think the pictures speak for themselves.

Baracking the Wisconsin vote 006

Milwaukee, Wisconsin slideshow

Baracking the Ohio vote 011

Cleveland, Ohio Slideshow part 1- Gearing up for election day

Baracking Ohio-Election Day 046
Cleveland, Ohio-Election day slideshow

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